With each assignment, Mijksenaar takes into account various types of users, old and young people, color blind people, people with reduced mobility or reduced sight and low-literate people.
By focusing on all users from start to finish, we avoid the need for special, custom-made information and navigation systems. We aim for wayfinding solutions that exclude no-one and that eliminate the need for extra aids, no matter how well organized these aids may be.
Current projects that focus on inclusivity are:
‘Beyond the Binary. Setting the wayfinding standard for inclusive restrooms.’
A Mijksenaar white paper, 2020
All-gender restroom toolkit & pictogram set
Designed and introduced by Mijksenaar and University of Twente, 2020
Wheelchair accessible routes at 400 Dutch railway stations
Client: ProRail, in development
Compact package leaflets for medicines
Client: CBG/MEB, in development
Medicijnbijsluiter met iconen wordt duidelijker en simpeler (in Dutch)
All-gender restrooms National Museum of World Cultures (4 museums)
Client: Stichting Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen (NMVW), 2020
Before 2020:
Care homes for residents with dementia or chronic psychiatric nursing care
Client: Atlant Zorg, 2018
All-gender restrooms
Client: Municipal Theatre Amsterdam, 2017
Wayfinding Rijnveste Autism Care
Client: GGZ Leiden, 2015